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  Friday, January 17, 2025   


Standing Committees



Police and Community Relations


Support Committees

Officer Nominating

Teasley Humanitarian Award


Each representative to the MCHRC is a member of one of the four standing committees:


The primary focus is to formulate and support efforts to reduce and eliminate hate, bias and related violence in the community by being proactive in identifying the most effective programs and procedures in working with schools, community groups, religious groups and any other appropriate community agency, and to implement effective programs either on its own or in concert with others who share our goal.


In conjunction with the Education Standing Committee and community and county government agencies, to develop programs for each of the 5 meetings of the Commission, and to support, partner, and help publicize community programs whose goals are in accordance with the mission of the MCHRC.

Police and Community Relations

The mission of this team, broadly stated, is to develop ways to improve relationships and cooperation between the general population and the police community via increased communications, promoting a greater dialogue between police and local civic, religious and community groups, and to assist in the formation of municipal human relations groups. In addition, this committee will monitor the MCHRC hot line, located in the department of human services @ 732-303-7666, and report to the membership on its effectiveness as need arises.


To develop and maintain print and internet resources that will be useful in carrying out the programs associated with the MCHRC’s mission, as well as for commission members to use at events and activities. In addition, this committee will coordinate and publicize community events and programs.

In addition to the Standing Committees, members from each Standing Committee work in one of three Support Committees. These committees are the Membership Committee, Officer Nominating Committee, and the Teasley Award Committee.

Membership Committee

The duty of the committee is to solicit applicants for membership on the Commission. Upon completion of the MCHRC application form and interview, the committee shall review the information submitted and make a written or oral report to the Full Commission.

Officer Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is elected at the September meeting. It shall consist of three to five members in good standing. The duty of the Nominating Committee shall be to present a slate of officers at the November/early December Commission meeting to be voted on at that meeting, as the last order of business.

Teasley Award Committee

This Committee serves to select the annual Earl T. Teasley Humanitarian Award. It will consist of three voting members and will meet as needed to review the applications for the award presented at the June meeting. It will also be responsible for developing a program for the award.

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